Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd has received a Letter of Award (LoA) worth Rs 808.48 crore from the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI). The order is for the rehabilitation and upgradation from four to eight laning of Chandikhole – Paradip Section of NH-53 (Old NH-5A) from km 60.000 to km 76.646 in the State of Odisha. Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd is a mid-cap company operating in the construction sector. It has a market capitalization of Rs 25,166.19 crore. The company’s key product/revenue segment is income from construction work. For the quarter ended on March 31, 2023. Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd reported a consolidated total income of Rs 5,975.88 crore. This represents a 12.90 per cent increase compared to the previous quarter’s total income of Rs 5,293.00 crore, but a 10.10 per cent decrease compared to the total income of Rs 6,647.52 crore in the same quarter of the previous year. The company recorded a net profit after tax of Rs 341.43 crore in the latest quarter.