Daimler India Commercial Vehicles, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Daimler Truck, has inaugurated its 300th sales and service touch point in India.It was inaugurated at Loni,a strategic location in the Pune – Solapur highway.By adding 10 new BharatBenz touchpoints in partnership with Autobahn Trucking, BharatBenz expanded its sales and service footprint in the western region. According to official statement, these touchpoints will provide comprehensive commercial vehicle solutions to vehicles plying in and through the region.The newly inaugurated touchpoints are in Sangli, Baramati, Goa, Solapur, Malegaon, Alephata, Talegaon, Indapur and Kudal.It now has a total of 300 touch points covering the North-South and East-West corridors of India.