Construction firm Capacit’e Infraprojects Ltd on 2nd January announced the company has received a contract worth Rs 203 crore from Ashar ventures. It is for the Ashar Pulse, a 60 storied tower in Thane. As per reports, Capacit’e has stated that they are confident of delivering the project within the stipulated timelines and to client satisfaction and are confident in the growing execution capabilities of the company. Earlier on 27th December 2022, the company had received a contract worth Rs 695 crore from Saifee Burhani Trust for the construction of Core and Shell work at sector 4 of SBUT project located at Ward C in Mumbai. Prior to that, it bagged an order worth Rs 117.20 crore from DLF Ltd for the construction of a mall in Goa. Capacit’e Infraprojects Ltd has been a preferred construction company for leading corporations in India.