The Punjab Government has decided to install solar power photovoltaic (PV) projects with a total capacity of 300 MW in the State. The projects include 200 MW canal-top solar PV power projects and 100 MW floating solar PV power projects on the reservoirs and lakes. According to reports, the projects will be executed in build, operate and own (BOO) mode by the Punjab Energy Development Agency. Viability gap funding (VGF) has been proposed to be claimed from the Department of Economic Affairs under the Union Ministry of Finance, under their scheme. VGF is designed for capital support to PPP projects and the cost of floating solar PV projects would be approximately Rs 4,80 crore per MW after considering 20 per cent VGF. The canal-top solar power projects will be installed on small distributaries having less width, which will involve less civil work. The cost of the canal-top solar PV projects is expected to be around Rs 5 crore per MW after taking into consideration of 20 per cent VGF.