Kandla Port is set to undergo a significant transformation with over Rs 57,000 crore earmarked for capacity expansion, as announced by Sarbananda Sonowal, Union Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways. The ambitious initiatives include a new Mega Shipbuilding Facility and the development of a state-of-the-art cargo terminal outside the Kandla Creek, promising to elevate the port’s status as a global maritime hub.
Mega Shipbuilding Facility: Advancing India’s Technical Prowess
One of the flagship projects, the Mega Shipbuilding Facility, involves an investment of Rs 30,000 crore. Spanning more than 8,000 acre, this facility aims to equip India with the ability to construct Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs) or vessels of similar class, with a capacity of up to 3,20,000 DWT. The facility will manufacture 32 new ships and repair up to 50 vessels annually.
Designed to foster ancillary industries, the shipbuilding complex will feature components such as a marina, fishing harbour, townships, and a marine industrial cluster. This initiative is expected to generate significant employment opportunities and contribute to regional economic development.
Modern Cargo Terminal: Enhancing Efficiency and Capacity
A modern cargo terminal, proposed at Tuna, outside the Kandla Creek, will add 135 million ton per annum (MTPA) of cargo handling capacity. With a Rs 27,000 crore investment, the facility will utilize a 6-km waterfront and modernize dry bulk cargo operations with advanced equipment and improved evacuation systems.
The initiative will allow the conversion of Kandla into liquid cargo jetties, addressing long-standing bottlenecks in liquid tanker vessel turnaround times. Additionally, its strategic location near the navigation channel will minimize dredging requirements, enabling docking for larger vessels.
Sarbananda Sonowal, Union Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways remarked, “Ports are critical hubs for the nation’s economy, serving as vital links to support growth and drive economic development. Enhancing capacity in port infrastructure is essential to meet our expanding ambitions.”
Additional Projects to Strengthen Port Operations
The Deendayal Port Authority (DPA) is implementing several complementary projects to further expand Kandla’s capacity:
- Tuna Tekra Mega Cargo Terminal: A facility with 2.19 million TEU capacity, developed under PPP mode.
- Multi-Cargo Terminal: Adding 18.33 MTPA to existing capacity.
- Oil Jetties: Three jetties under construction will increase capacity by 10 MTPA.
- Vadinar Developments: A Single Buoy Mooring (SBM) and two product jetties under construction will enhance liquid cargo handling by 24.5 MTPA. A proposed ship repair facility will service up to 32 vessels annually.
With these developments, Kandla Port is poised to emerge as a benchmark in maritime infrastructure, contributing significantly to India’s trade, industry, and global standing.